CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is being introduced which will be a mandatory qualifying test for all categories of students for registration to Executive Programme except a few exempted categories. Graduates / Post Graduates, who were hitherto eligible to seek registration directly to Executive Programme, will also have to qualify the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme
There is no stipulation as to the group that a student should have taken up at the 10 + 2 examination. Students of all groups are eligible for taking up the CS (Company Secretaries) course at the CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) level.
The following categories of students shall be exempted from qualifying CSEET and can seek registration directly to Executive Programme
Graduates in any discipline except Fine Arts, irrespective of percentage or division of marks or medium of examination must compulsary write CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) to neter into Executive Programme.
For those students who are pursuing the course through CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) i.e. after passing CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) level, this would be the second level course relating to the CS (Company Secretaries - ICSI) Course.
The minimum academic qualification required is a pass at the 10 + 2 +3 level or at the CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) examinations.
Course Duration
The minimum course duration as per the regulations of the institution is 6 months.
The course duration is the minimum time that a student has to spend on taking up the course at this Executive level. It is the period starting from, the time the student gets registered, to the time the student completes the course.
The actual time that a student has to spend on the course would be dependent on the actual date of registration.
Examinations Schedule
The main/final examinations for the Executive course are conducted twice every year generally on specified dates which do not change except under extraordinary circumstances.
June Examination
First Week of June [2nd to 7th – 1.30pm to 4.30pm]
December Examination
Last Week of December [26th to 31st – 9.30am to 12.30am]
Executive Modules - New Syllabus (from June 2023)
Each paper 3 hours-100 Marks
CS: Executive Programme - Module I
- Paper 1: Company Law [100 marks]
- Paper 2: Setting up of Business Entities and Closure [100 marks]
- Paper 3: Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws [100 marks]
- Paper 4: Corporate & Management Accounting [100 marks]
CS: Executive Programme - Module II
- Paper 5. Securities Laws & Capital Markets [100 marks]
- Paper 6. Economic Business and Commercial Laws [100 marks]
- Paper 7. TAX LAWS [100 marks]
Course Pattern Details
There are 8 subjects arranged into 2 modules of 4 papers each of 100 marks.
Pass Marks
To pass/qualify at the examination a student has to obtain a minimum of 40% in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of a module together, failing which the student has to reappear in all the papers of the module again.
Wherein the student has failed the examination but has obtained high marks in one or more papers as specified, there are certain exemptions from appearing in that paper.
CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test)
CA / ICWA - qualified pass

Executive Programme
[7 subjects arranged into two modules of 100 marks each.]

Practical Experience/Training
Students are required/eligible to undergo 15 or 24 months training (with a company or a Company Secretary in practice Registered with the institute

Professional Programme
A student has to get through the papers at this level and thereby pass the executive programme level to be eligible to go to the next level (Professional Programme) of the course.
Executive Programme with other Studies
Executive Programme along with Graduation/Post-Graduation Courses
The course can be pursued along with graduation or Post Graduation Courses.
There is no restriction with regard to pursuance of this course along with any other course i.e. any graduation course or post graduation course.
Student can pursue Executive Programme along with B.Com, B.Sc, B.B.A, B.Tech, MBA, M.B.B.S, ...!!!
Since the course is basically commerce oriented, the best bet is a student doing this course along with formal B. Com/M.Com courses of any university. However this is not a requirement/compulsion.
Even students doing their Graduation course in the science stream, can pursue this course along with their graduation (i.e. B.Sc) or Post Graduation (i.e. M.Sc).
For that matter even students doing their engineering, medicine etc can also pursue this course along with their graduation or post graduation courses.
There are specialised streams like Cost Engineering, Energy Auditing, etc., which can be pursued on doing professional accounting courses along with professional courses in science stream.
Exemptions in Executive Programme
Exemptions in Executive Programme based upon Qualifications
No one is exempt from studying all the papers at this Executive Programme level i.e. there is no academic qualification that would entitle a student to bypass the executive level and go to the professional programme level directly.
Exemption From some Papers
Based on academic qualifications possessed, a candidate may be entitled to exemptions from appearing in individual subjects of the executive programme level/course.
Module I
1. Jurisprudence Interpretation and General Laws [100 marks]:
Exemption is available to candidates possessing the following qualifications :
b. Degree in law of a recognized university
c. Pass in the final examination of ICWAI
2. Paper 3: Tax Laws
Exemption is available to candidates possessing the following qualifications :
a. Pass in the final examination of ICWAI / CA
CS Executive Programme Registration Process / Methodology
Registration for the course requires the student to apply in the prescribed form enclosing the details relating to the educational qualifications, age etc., as required in the application.
10+2 Pass or it's equavlent. Students of any discipline in Arts, Commerce and Science (excluding Fine arts) can purse the Company Secretary course - CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test)
This is the entry level course / Entrance test for any student intending to take up the CS course after their 10 + 2 or intermediate / Degree.
CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is being introduced which will be a mandatory qualifying test for all categories of students for registration to Executive Programme except a few exempted categories. Graduates / Post Graduates, who were hitherto eligible to seek registration directly to Executive Programme, will also have to qualify the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme
There is no stipulation as to the group that a student should have taken up at the 10 + 2 examination. Students of all groups are eligible for taking up the CS (Company Secretaries) course at the CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test) level.
New Admissions to the Foundation Programme of CS Course stands discontinued. (Note : Existing Foundation Programme Students shall be allowed to appear in the Foundation Programme Examinations till expiry of the validity of their registrations. Such students, after passing the Foundation Programme Examinations, may register for Executive Programme as per existing process.)
The institute has regional offices in all the four geographical regions (North, South, East, West) of india for the purpose of handling the administrative tasks. So for any details in relation to the student/candidate one should contact the regional council under whom he/she is initially registered.
You can also obtain the applications from the Institutes Head Quarters, Regional Offices, Branches, Chapters etc.
Onilne Registration
The institute(ICSI) has provided facilities for registration through online payment. For Information Contact VIGNAN CS office.
Where to submit the registration application?
You can submit the Registration Application, If you are intending to register for
Cut-off Dates
Registration for the Executive Programme Level/Course can be done all throughout the year. There is no such thing as a last date for registration.
This implies that you can appear for an examination that would fall after the minimum course duration has elapsed from the date of your registration.
Based on this, you can take the following as the cut off dates for registration to make you eligible for appearing at the noted examination. An example is given in
Students registering
1. Before May 31st can appear for both Modules - in the December Examination Same Year
[Register before 31st May to attempt - both Modules in December Exam]
2. Before July 31st can appear for one Module - in the December Examination Same Year
[Register before 31st July to attempt - one Module in December Exam]
3.Before 30th November can appear for both Modules - in the June Examination Next Year
[Register before 30th November to attempt - both modules in June Exam]
4.Before January 31st can appear for one Module - in the June Examination the Next year
[Register before 31st January to attempt - one Module in June Exam]
Being eligible for both modules implies that the student can attempt the first/second/both modules as per his/her choice. Where the student is eligible for attempting one module, he/she can choose any one of the two modules. However, he/she should be completing the coaching requirements for the module that he/she intends to attempt.
Validity & Revalidation
Registration Validity Period, Revalidation
The validity period of registration can be assumed to have expired on account of a number of reasons:
1. The maximum number of attempts allowed getting exhausted and the student being required to re-register for continuing the course.
2. The registration itself getting expired where there is a validity period specifically mentioned for registration.
3. The validity period of the CC (Coaching completion certificate) getting expired and the student being required to re-register to revalidate the CC.
Expiry of Registration
The registration for the Executive Programme is valid for a period of 5 years from the month in which his/her application, complete in all respects, is accepted for registration.
Change of Address
Intimate the Change in Address
The student needs to get his/her address changed in the records of the institute so that he/she would be receiving the student news letter and other communications from the institute properly.
These students are also advised to intimate the post master of the earlier place of the change of address, so that any mail received at the earlier place would be redirected by the post master automatically.
Exam Dates & Schedule
The main/final examinations for the course are conducted twice every year generally on specified dates which do not change except under extraordinary circumstances.
June Examination
First Week of June [2nd to 7th – 1.30pm to 4.30pm]
December Examination
Last Week of December [26th to 31st – 9.30am to 12.30am]
Eligibility of Exams
Eligibility to Appear for his/her First Exam
A students eligibility to appear at an examination is dependent on two factors
1. Date of registration and
2. Obtaining the Coaching Completion Certificate (CC).
A student to appear at a certain examination should have registered before the cut off date in relation to that examination and should have also obtained the CC by the time of making application for the examination.
Students registering
1. Before May 31st can appear for both Modules - in the December Examination Same Year
[Register before 31st May to attempt - both Modules in December Exam]
2. Before July 31st can appear for one Module - in the December Examination Same Year
[Register before 31st July to attempt - one Module in December Exam]
3.Before 30th November can appear for both Modules - in the June Examination Next Year
[Register before 30th November to attempt - both modules in June Exam]
4.Before January 31st can appear for one Module - in the June Examination the Next year
[Register before 31st January to attempt - one Module in June Exam]
Being eligible for both modules implies that the student can attempt the first/second/both modules as per his/her choice. Where the student is eligible for attempting one module, he/she can choose any one of the two modules. However, he/she should be completing the coaching requirements for the module that he/she intends to attempt.
Choice of Module Attempts
Which Module should a Student Appear in First ?
A student can appear in any one of the modules at his choice or both the modules provided he has the CC for them.
The module in which he appears first is his choice and there is no rule that the first module should be attempted first.
However it should be clear that you can pursue the Professional Programme (final course) only on completing both the modules i.e. the Executive Programme course/level.
Medium for Writing Exams
Executive Programme Level examinations can be written either in ENGLISH or HINDI medium. A student has to mention the preference of medium at the time of making the application for examination.
The option to answer papers in HINDI should be exercised in total. Paper wise option is not available. The papers of a candidate who has not exercised his option to answer papers in Hindi, but answers them in Hindi, would not be valued.
In the absence of clear indication of preference at the time of making the application for examination, English will be taken as the preferred medium.
Maximum Number of Attempts
There is no specific mention regarding the maximum number of attempts allowed for a student at the Executive Programme Level.
There is no expiry period for the Coaching Completion Certificate (CC) also.
However, the student whose registration has been cancelled on account of the expiry of the 5 year period subsequent to registration will not be permitted to attempt the examinations until he/she gets their registration revalidated by de novo registration.
Examination Application
Where to Obtain?
The examination applications are sold at the institutes head quarters, regional offices and chapters. Some of the institutions conducting oral coaching may also provide the applications for students. You can obtain the same from those places.
Please check the respective web sites [ICSI] during the period when application for the examination is to be made.
Delayed Submission
The institute provides for delayed submission of the examination application with a late fee for a certain number of days after the last date for submission of the application.
Where to Submit?
All the aspects relating to the examinations are handled by the Head offices of the institutes, though the student activities are all administered by the Regional councils.
You may submit the application within the specified time limit, at any of the locations where applications are made available. They will be ultimately sent to the institutes Head office. Some chapters or oral coaching centers may provide the application but may not accept the filled applications.
Delayed Submission with Late Fee
Care should be taken when you are required to send the application along with late fee. The application should be destined to the address on the cover of the examination application and not to the nearest branch or regional office of the institute.
Application and Exam Fee, Last Date & Late Fee
Cost of Application
Cost of application is Rs. 500/-
Examination Fee
One Module
- Regular Fee - Rs. 1200
- Late Fee - Rs. 250
Both Modules
- Regular Fee - Rs. 2400
- Late Fee - Rs. 500
Last Dates
June Examination
- Without Late Fee: 25th March
- With Late Fee 9th April [A delay of 15 days is allowed after the last date]
December Examination
- Without Late Fee: 25th September
- With Late Fee 10th October [A delay of 15 days is allowed after the last date]
Change of Examination Center
Under convincing and extraordinary circumstances application for change of examination center may be accepted by the institute on a payment of a fee of Rs. 250/- along with an application for the same which should be received in the Institute within (prior to) 15 days from the date of commencement of examination.
Care should be taken to send the application to the place where the original application has been sent.
Results Announcement
The main examinations are conducted twice every year in the months of June and Decmber, generally on specified dates which do not change except under extraordinary circumstances. The results of these examinations are generally scheduled to be declared as follows:
The results are expected to be declared within 60 to 75 days (2 to 2½ months) from the examination date.
Tentatively they would be declared on
- June Examination results : On 25th August
- December Examination results : On 25th February
Information Available - How to get it?
The results would be hosted on the Institute's [ICSI] web site and would also be displayed at the offices of the institute, its chapters, and the offices relevant to the examination center where the student has appeared for the examination.
Main/Final Examination
Main/Final Examination: Qualifying Marks - Pass Marks in each module Separately
A student is required to get a minimum of 40 marks in each paper (not subject) and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of a module together to qualify in the module.
Passing the Executive Level
A candidate is considered to have passed the Executive Programme Level of these courses if he passes both the modules/groups constituting this level.
He/she may get through the modules/groups in one or more attempts either together or separately.
Passing only one Module
A student is said to have passed one of the modules if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of that module"
Passing both modules together
A student is said to have passed both the modules together if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of both the modules put together.
Papers with two or more subjects involved
Where a paper contains two or more parts (each part may be a separate subject or otherwise) with the total marks of 100 divided between the parts a candidate is required to get the minimum marks in all the parts together.
There is no need for the student to maintain a minimum pass mark in each part separately.
Module II - Paper 5: Economic and Labour Laws [100 marks]
- Part A : Economic Laws (60 Marks)
- Part B : Labour Laws (40 Marks)
The student is required to get the minimum of 40 marks in the two parts together. There is no minimum for each part.
Marks Sheet and Pass Certificates
Marks Sheet
All the students irrespective of their result, (whether they pass or fail the examination) will receive a marks list indicating the marks obtained in each subject/paper.
Pass Certificate
All the candidates passing in both the modules of this level would also receive in addition to the marks memo, a pass certificate as a proof of passing the level.
This will be sent by post to the address mentioned in the application for examination.
Paper Exemptions
Exemptions on Getting High Marks
A candidate who obtains more than 60% of marks in any paper or papers and a minimum of 25% of marks in all the remaining papers of that module in which he has appeared shall be exempted from appearing in that paper in the subsequent examinations.
The candidate is required to obtain a minimum of 40% in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in the total of the remaining subjects of the module in the subsequent examinations.
An Attempt
Say a student has obtained the following marks in an examination
I - 65, II - 35, III - 30; Total = 130. [Aggregate < 50% → Fail]
Since the student has got marks; 60% in Paper I and has also got the minimum required in other papers i.e. ≥ 25% in Papers II and III, he/she will be exempted from appearing in Paper I in the subsequent examinations.
In the next exam the candidate is required to appear only in papers II and III and get a minimum of 40% and aggregate of 50% (total of 100) in the papers II, and III together.
Next Attempt
Say the student has obtained the following marks in the subsequent exam
1. Case 1
The student may obtain marks required to pass the examination.
II - 54, III - 58. Total = 112. [Aggregate ≥ 50% → Pass]
2. Case 2
The student may fail the examination but still obtain an exemption in one more papers additionally.
II - 30, III - 65. Total = 95. [Aggregate < 50% → Fail]
The student fails the examination. Here there is a scope for exemption in Paper III since the student obtained ≥ 60% and has got a minimum of 25% in the other paper.
In the next exam the stduent is required to appear only Paper II and get a minimum of 50%.
3. Case 3
The student may fail the examination and not get any new exemptions.
II - 20, III - 65. Total = 85. [Aggregate < 50% and Failed in Paper II → Fail]
Special Case » Failing after Getting an Aggregate ≥ 60%
Where a student who has appeared in all the papers of a module has failed in one paper but obtained a minimum of 60% of the total marks of the remaining subjects (not in each subject) shall be declared to have passed in that module if he secured 50% marks in that paper in which he failed in any subsequent examination.
An attempt
I - 55, II - 35, III - 72 Total = 162. [Aggregate > 50% → Fail]
Has got 60% in I and III together (i.e. the other subjects).
In the subsequent exams the student needs to appear only in paper II and get a minimum of 50% in it to pass in the module.
Claiming & Foregoing Exemptions
Claiming Exemptions
Exemptions on account of Possessing other Qualifications
The student has to make specific mention of the same at the time of registration and claim exemption.
The requisite fee for the same should also be paid in addition to the regular registration fee.
A candidate who is eligible for exemption by the virtue of possessing the relevant qualifications should pay an exemption fee of Rs. 100 per paper in which exemption is being claimed and make an application on or before the last date for submission of enrolment application for the particular examination.
Attested copy of the relevant qualification should also be attached with the application for claiming exemption.
The examiantion fee for a module should however be paid in full. There is no reduction in the examination fee for the papers in which the student has been exempted.
Exemptions on Getting High Marks
To claim exemption on account of scoring high marks, a student has to mention the same in the application for examination at the time of making the application for the subsequent exams.
Since there is no reduction in fee for exempted subjects either on account of having other qualifications or on account of having scored high marks in prior examinations, care should be taken to ensure that the relevant columns are properly filled in the examination application.
Online Exam fees process for CS June / December Examination
As we know that the last date for online enrollment/ payment for CS Exams (Foundation/Executive/Professional) June, without late fee is 25th March, and with late fee ( Rs. 250) is 9th April, (17:30 hours). So, please don't wait for the last date and avail the online facility to save your money and valuable time as well.
Now, you may fill up and submit your examination form online for your company secretaries Examinations to be held in June / December, and onwards without paying any transaction charges as these charges will be borne by the CS Institute itself.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced this excellent online examination enrollment facility for all students who wish to apply online for their coming exam instead of physical form. The best part of this wonderful facility is that just after entering/ selecting the appropriate Center, Medium and Module you may Proceed for Payment.
Procedure For Online Examination Enrollment
Step-1: Visit Company Secretary Institute web portal www.icsi.edu and click on LOGIN button.
How to Create account with ICSI Get your password for online exam form
If you are first time visitor or you have not created your account (who don't have password) then please follow these stepts for filing CS Exam form online:
(i) Click on Click Here and enter your all details viz. Your Programme (Foundation/Executive/Professional), Registration Number, Gender, DOE, Pin Code etc.) and then Click on Proceed button.student registration number and Roll Number;
(ii) Subsequently enter your Email address and Mobile Number.
(iii) Now Click on Reset Password and get your password on the screen.
(iv) After getting your password, just login again with your username (17 digit registration number) and follow the
Step-2: If you have already registered then you may login in directly by providing user name (Registration No. or Email-Id) and password.
However, if you forgot password then you may retrieve the same immediately or the password will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. It may take maximum of 24 hours for activation of the new password for enrolling online for Examination.
Step-3: After successful login click on My Account under Student Menu
Step-4: Now either click on Examination Enrolment menu and then select Submit Examination Form option or you may click on the direct link given on right side as "Click here to Enroll For Examination".
Step-5: Now you will see the option to proceed to fill the form or cancel the same.
Step-6: In the open window you have to select or enter appropriate details such as Center, Medium and Module etc. and thereafter just select the payment mode/ option either Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking and proceed for payment.
Step-7: Verify the details carefully and Download the Details before pressing the button for payment. This is because NO lipdations will be allowed after the payment is made online. Moreover, for any further updation/ change in Centre Name, Medium and Module, you have to pay 250 + Surcharge as requisite fee every time separately for each updation.
Step-8: Now you will receive registration confirmation (Request ID and Payment ID) in your Mobile as well as Email id. Finally, after successful payment the duplicate receipt of the payment details can be generated online.
Pre Exam test process
As per the notification for the new syllabus, https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/SYLLABUS_2018N.pdf a mandatory Pre-Examination Test has been introduced as a pre-requisite for seeking enrolment in CS Examinations. You have to take this test before you enroll for main Examinations.
The Pre-Examination test shall be conducted by ICSI for all the students of Executive/Professional programme under New Syllabus. This Test will serve as eligibility criteria for appearing in the main Examination. In order to take this test, a fee of Rs.1000/- is to be paid, which can be paid online as per procedure mentioned at Annexure-1. Please follow the steps as indicated therein and make the payment.
Once the payment is realised, you will get an invitation (along with login ID and default password) in due course of time to join the online portal for giving the Pre Examination Test. Steps for using the platform may be seen at Annexure-2. Please read it carefully and follow the steps after receipt of the invitation, https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/SYLLABUS_2018N.pdf
Schedule for the year 2015 with regard to various Cut-Off Dates for services pertaining to Students
(issued by ICSI)
Latest Exam time-table for June & December 2020 Company Secretary
(issued by ICSI)
Click here to View or download June & December 2020 CS exam dates issued by ICSI
“Application Form for verification of marks for CS Students”:
In terms of regulation 46 (2) of The Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, as in force, a candidate can seek ‘Verification of Marks’ in any subject(s) of June, 2011 examination within one month from the date of declaration of results. The application for verification of marks should be made by interested candidates in the prescribed form (available at: http://www.icsi.edu/WebModules/LinksOfWeeks/MarksVerification.doc) on a plain paper, in candidate’s own handwriting together with requisite fee @ Rs.100/- per subject within one month from the date of declaration of results, i.e., upto and including 26th September, 2011 (25th September, 2011 being Holiday).
The application for verification of marks duly completed in all respects should reach on or before the last date, addressed to The Joint Director (Exams.), The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, C-37, Institutional Area, Sector 62, NOIDA – 201309 (U.P.). Candidates are advised not to club any other query/matter or remittance of fees along with his/her request for Verification of Marks to facilitate an early reply.
The response time to candidates’ requests for verification of marks is normally 3-4 weeks from the date of receipt of their applications in the Examination Deptt. of the Institute. After completion of verification process, outcome of the verification of marks is hosted on the Institute’s website: www.icsi.edu and the candidate concerned by entering his/her Roll No. or Student Registration Number can enquire about the status/outcome of his/her application. The candidates concerned are also individually informed about the outcome of their requests by post. However, if a candidate does not receive any communication by 20th November, 2011, he/she should write to the Joint Director (Exams.) giving relevant details –
(i) his/her name;
(ii) student registration number and Roll Number;
(iii) stage and module(s) of examination
(iv) name of the subject(s) in which verification of marks was sought;
(v) date of application and mode of its dispatch;
(vi) amount of verification fee and mode of its remittance, viz., Bank Draft No., date of issue of Bank Draft, Name of drawee bank;
(vii) complete postal address along with PIN Code;
(viii) e-mail id; and (ix) Mobile/ Telephone Number.
“New company law finally approved - The Companies Act 2013 has been passed in Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
Companies Act, 2013 is an Act of the Parliament of India which regulates incorporation of a company, responsibilities of a company, directors, dissolution of a company. The 2013 Act is divided into 29 chapters containing 470 sections as against 658 Sections in the Companies Act, 1956 and has 7 schedules.[1]The Act has replaced The Companies Act, 1956 (in a partial manner) after receiving the assent of the President of India on 29 August 2013. The Act came into force on 12 September 2013 with few changes like earlier private companies maximum number of member was 50 and now it will be 200. A new term of "one person company" is included in this act that will be a private company and with only 98 provisions of the Act notified. On 27 February 2014, the MCA stated that Section 135 of the Act which deals with corporate social responsibility will come into effect from 1 April 2014. On 26 March 2014, the MCA stated that another 183 sections will be notified from 1 April 2014.
The Ministry of Company Affairs thereafter proposed a draft notification for exempting private companies from the ambit of various sections under the companies act.
The link for the same is: http://www.mca.gov.in/Ministry/pdf/CompaniesAct2013.pdf
Highlights of the Companies Act, 2013 (as passed in Lok Sabha), are also placed at the following link:
Click here to View or download HIGHLIGHTS OF THE COMPANIES BILL, 2013 issued by ICSI
CS new batches start on
LEVEL - I: CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test)
Batch I -> January (every year)
Batch II -> May (every year);
Batch II -> August (every year)
* ONLINE classes start from July
Batch I -> January (every year)
Batch II -> July (every year)
* ONLINE classes start from July
Batch I -> January (every year)
Batch II -> July (every year)
* ONLINE classes start from July
Batch I -> March (every year)
Batch II -> August (every year)
for Fees & other details call Ph: 9392 656567 / 9390 656567 or mail to vignancs@gmail.com
VIGNAN CS conducts classes for CS - CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test), Executive Programme & Professional Programme (Final) in Ameerpet(SR nagar), Secunderabad branch, (Vijayawada - starts soon)